Bili Sánchez Montenegro
Co-founder & Creator of Rijkrallpa Project
(Lima 1974). Graduated in Philosophy (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima), Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Jewelery (Escola Massana, Barcelona), poet and interdisciplinary artist with studies of Theatrical Performance (Yuyachkani Cultural Group, Lima).

Anna Maresma Ribas
Co-founder & Artistic Advisor
(Arenys de Mar, Barcelona, 1981), Fine Arts and Design in Artistic Jewellery (Escola Massana, Barcelona) and Bachelor of Arts (Faculty of Fine Arts, Universitat de Barcelona).

Sâm Ghavami
Co-founder & Project Manager
(Lausanne, 1989). Archaeologist specialized in the pre-Hispanic cultures of the north coast of Peru.
Bachelor in Ancient Greek and Archeology at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and Master in Archeology by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), with a focus on Andean Studies.

Jorge Villacorta Chávez
Contemporary art critic. Professor of art in the doctoral program of the faculty of plastic arts of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in Lima.
Co-founder and academic director of Andean High Technology.